Monday, November 23, 2009

Truck Bomb

It's been said that time slows during an explosion.

This track is my interpretation of the sound within the blast.

In reality it's a recording of a contact mic encased in a melting block of ice effected beyond all recognition.

Truck Bomb

Friday, November 20, 2009

Gonna Start A Label

Yup. Gonna do it. Pretty simple affair - cassettes and CDR.
Everything is in an embryonic stage. However - feel free to get in touch if you want to send demos for consideration.
You are the Best.


Two new reviews. Recent Failures and Wither Winnipeg got some nice words from Feedback Zine out of Calgary.

The latest issue has an interview with Werewolf Jerusalem and the RDC/Bomber No Hope Tour diary.

it's $3 plus postage and you get a 3" disc of muzak too.


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Not a Jam.. but it's probably better!!

I wasted nearly an hour yesterday recording a few tracks for the site before I packed everything up for the move. I'm no longer using the tape deck (sadly coz it gave a really nice dirt recording) because it was listing heavy into the right channel and very little on the left. I realize there is a quick fix for this, but an even quicker fix was to use my minidisc recorder which is too often laying dormant.
So I dashed off a quick series of recordings only to realize that I had left the 1/8" jack in the out slot leaving me with nothing... not even some decent hiss to work with. With that I decided to pack everything up and take a break until I'm in the new place and everything is set up the way it should be.


I'm going through the archives and taking old posts, chopping them up, taking the best bits and giving them new lives. Today's track will be the first.

Something nice will be sent to anyone who can tell me which track was selected to be reborn!

herrdoktrokrieg (a.a.a.t.t.t.) gmails dots com

- Virb is being a pain in the ass - this is D/L only.

Improv Amputation

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Packin' and Movin'

It's been a busy couple weeks around here. I just bought a house so everything is soon to be boxed up, moved, unboxed, and hopefully re-established in a short amount of time. I won't have access to any of my stuff for the next couple of weeks so the posts might be a little infrequent. Everything should be back up and running smoothly by the first week of December.

Two tracks this week. One's a droner, the other is more aggressive.



Prairie Freakout

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Fuck You Swine Flu

I grow so tired of hearing about this. The flu is a potential health risk.. every year. All the coverage on the major news networks is causing nothing but latent panic in an already too stupid population.

Thin the Herd.

Anyway... on to more important junk. I know some folks who pop by the site run small labels. If that happens to be you and you find something of interest here - let me know. It'd be great if some of these tracks were edited and remixed and mastered properly - either for a comp. or for a release of their own.

Get in touch.


H1N1 Blues
